Tuesday, May 04, 2004

damn it.

i got a parking ticket.

my first parking ticket... ever since i've been driving for er... nearly a year now. damn it. i dunno whether to celebrate that it's my first ticket, or shld i be sad. urgh. well... it was the first time that i turned up for one of those impromtu dinners of my econs gang. usually i can't make it, or i just never was interested to go. today i went. and i got fined. urgh. wat pissed me off is that we were just next to my car, and the minute i looked away, i got a ticket. damn it. aiyar, then i guess i'm lucky that it's only $6, rather than $50 if i didn't put at all. but the irritating thing is, i WAS JUST SITTING NEXT TO THE CAR. damn it.

oh well. life sucks...

but i guess i'll just grapple abt it for a while. i'm pretty thankful cos... my comp's fixed. yay! with albin, adrian's and ren's help, i managed to fix it! (all the As)... haha... the bug irritated me for a few days and just when i thought i had to go reconfigure my hard drive... hahah... YES. it's done. downloaded the patch on microsoft and it works. woohoo! yes. it was only when i wanted to give up, came home and screamed at pop and gave him my pouty face that he decided to help me.

and even though i always think that my dad is a moron, and he knows no shit abt techi stuff, guess wat, he "technically" fixed it cos the comp was in his hands when the comp cld work again! haha. yes! and while we gave the comp like a 10min grace b4 shutting down, we did this IQ test together online. SO CUTE! i tell u. i really had fun doing it with him. and i hope he had fun doing it with me as well! hee. quality time spent. really cute. and just when we were at the last question together, the comp battery died. A HAHAHAHA. wat an anti climax! haha... but i enjoyed yesterday. was a time of bonding with my dad i guess!

and guess wat?! God answers prayer too, cos i was praying all thoughout cell for my comp. haha... hey, some pple pray for their cat, dog, luo han... pls... a comp's nothing. haha.

serene was telling us abt her tabaneckle retreat. it seems awsome. I guess i'm kinda used to be called serene's 12. i'm really honoured man. really. and that inspires me. i want my 12. and serene said that God showed her that all of us won't be in singapore in time to come. all of us will be all over the world. and she said, "tania might be in europe, but our hub is still in singapore". was this something from God? an affirmation? i take it that success comes from God and we better believe that. it's not my effort, it's my talent that He gave me. and in all things give thanks, and in all things, glorify Him.

so it doesn't matter whether i'm mugging at night for a paper, or sweeping the road, or an on the trading floor. in all things, glorify Him. be thankful and He will be delighted.

tania @ 10:29 PM | |