Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Did it really happened? It seemed like it was all a dream. I sit here now, with all the fuzz and buzz over and I'm listening...


Was it ever that quiet?

I remember times spent laughing abt mindless things, talking after services, comparing teeth and talking about the future. It seems sureal that I saw you off today, that I walked past you for the last time, that I saw you for the last time today.

I didn't even cry...

Somewhere along the line, I was brought back to the pews, where I'll always remember you in the corner, proudly waving the banner of our tribe. You were always the strong one, and you encouraged so many people. You touched lives in your quiet but yet sincere manner. Thank you.

Thanks for every encouaging word, for every joke shared, for every comforting hug.

Are you really gone?

Why? WHY? A whirl of emotions sweep through my body and mind. Why? Is heaven your reward? Was your task on earth really done? Did you really finish the race?

I hated hearing these words the first few days, and I was really emotional at the wake. But today, as I walked past your coffin for the last time ever, I smiled. The first sincere smile I smiled since I heard of your passing.

Because I know, that you are at peace. I know that you lived a Godly life, you ran the race, and really, ran it well. Because I know that you would want me to celebrate your life and not your passing, and that you would never want to make anyone cry.

Your photo stood on the edge of the coffin... your smiling face was just reaching out to everyone, it felt that you were really there. If I close my eyes now, I can just visualise, your face, your voice.

Will I forget?

Memories are fresh, and I will keep them always, I promise. But one day, will I forget? Forget how your voice sounded like? Forget how you always smiled the goofy smile? I don't want to, but will I?

Will I recognise you when I see you in Heaven?

I'll always remember Alvin, I promise.

tania @ 11:32 PM | |

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tell me what heaven is like

I've realised I've not been bloggin - no time, no energy. It seems funny that I didn't even bother to have a new year post. oh well...

This post is dedicated to one of my dear friends - Alvin Tan, who passed away yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't call, I'm sorry I didn't visit. I know it's too late for regrets now, but yet, I feel sad, guilty and even angry.

I thought it was just a trial that God put you through to come out a better person, to come out stronger, to use you as an example to glorify His goodness. But I guess he had another plan. I'm not sure what it is, but I guess we'll never know.

He took you first. Guess He needed you more than we did.

Alvin, you have been a shinning example for all of us. You led your life following God's word. Everything you did, you did it for Him, for others. Your love for others was so evident, I really looked up to you. I never figured out how you could do the things you do.

I'm sad, but I don't know whether you would want us to mourn for your death, or to celebrate your life.

I'm sorry.

Tell me what heaven is like. Tell God I say Hi...

Rest well my friend - you're dearly missed

tania @ 2:47 PM | |