Sunday, June 24, 2007


The forbidden fruit? Yea, it really tastes that good.

Not that I tasted it of course... but yea...

How am I supposed to feel, 6 weeks more to my new life? The moment I say "I do", Ms T Goh dies and I become Mrs T Pham. PHARK!

My mum told me today that I am so not ready to get married. She said I still want to party and have fun. Mum knows best huh? I think I am not ready... and 6 weeks is not enough.

How colder can my feet get?

Anyone wants to watch Runaway Bride with me?!!

tania @ 12:42 AM | |

Monday, June 11, 2007


7 more weeks to go and I must admit, I am getting cold feet. It doesn't help that every single person that I meet are asking about wedding preparations, the big day, how I feel blah blah blah. It's just so taxing and stressful considering we're not totally planned out every single detail.

I have been partying alot recently... Started with when the bf was in Paris, and it just continued when everyone's birthday and parties... sigh. Am I ready to give up my youthful partying carefree days for a lifetime commitment?

Met the girls from 4B3 on Sat, we went to Loof at Oden towers. I think the last time I saw half of them was 3-4 years back at our yearly gathering. I can't believe that it's been 8 years since we've left school and we are all grown up individuals! It's amazing that we used to be running around screaming and stripping each other, and now we are professionals. How warped is that.

It's different from hanging out with my usual girls. Yes, we all knew each other in school, but I actually grew up with them. The whole ching bang gang - I love dearly and trust. We know every single relationship that we've been in. And when everyone was out with their other half, I was always alone, praying and hoping that Mr Right would come along. I never had a serious relationship before H. The only other one was KC but that was a fiasco nightmare that dragged long and painful.

So my Mr Right has come. I truely honestly believe that H will do everything in his power to make me happy for the rest of our lives. I know he will make a good husband and father, and yet, a part of me is still ... the old self for lack of a better word.

I heard I am playful. I got "long term advice" over the weekend. D'ang!

He said I like getting attention from guys, and I am too playful and young to settle down. Guess that advice would have been more helpful 7 months ago, not now, 7 weeks till the wedding. 7 months ago I really thought I was ready, but now, as the date gets closer and my opportunity cost is impendingly more obvious, I am getting cold feet.

I swear the other day when I broke out in rashes it might have been an anxiety attack.

AHHHH, someone shot me please. Addy, you got to bitch slap me! (You know u wanna!!!)

I hope the rashes don't come back.

tania @ 12:15 AM | |