Fell sick at the end of the trip, a gigantic ulcer at the back of my mouth! Have been sick ever since... and it doesn't help that I've not had a good night sleep / proper rest since I came back. Plus, I'm off to Bangkok this Thurs!
Am kinda sick of Cantonese food for the moment, and when Hung's Uncle and Auntie came to town, he suggested having tim sum at Crystal Jade at Paragon. Right... like I did not have enough of tim sum. Looking forward to having some good Thai food.
Hung has been working weekends recently, so I took his uncle and auntie out. We went to the Orcid Gardens at Botanic, and I chose the worst day to wear heels! I was practically limping around the garden. Not funny. It's the first time I've ever been there, and I must say that it is actually really really nice! Some of the orchids are hybrids (never seen before) as well as the usual ones (the ones I have at home), but seeing them all togther, it was really pretty. It's funny that I race through life day by day, and I don't stop to smell the roses (orchids). Guess I really need to take life a bit slower, as well as appreciate the things and time that I have.
I should be grateful, and stop complaining!
(but I really need that new Gucci bag!)
I've got great plans this Wed for a revival at Mambo at Zouk. I've not been to that place for the past 1.5 years! I totally miss Bananna Ramas, Berlinda Carlise and Bon Jovi! (they still play that right?) Any one reading this, hope you can come and join me! I’ve finally got the Thursday off, so I really want to party on Wed!!
1 more day till the folks get back from Bangkok and I give up the car rights. Bleh. But a few more days closer to being 23 and going retro!