Happiness vs Religion
Caught up with Angie at HV coffee shop sucking on my honey glazed chicken wings - it's damn good, the chilli is to die for.
It's funny how life turns out.
We spent our time debating on how life is supposed to turn out and question our faith in the process. The past year has dealt many challenages, but physical and mental to both of us. Some were well, literally fatal, and some were just spiritually draining.
Isn't our faith strong enough to bring us through?
No man can have 2 masters - I made a choice last year. I set aside my personal beliefs and comprimised on a neutral platform. Am I happier now spiritual void than I was spiritually filled? Earthy mortal happiness vs eternal spiritual fullness - which would you choose?
My collegue sums my sentiment - "Feng Shui is for this life, religion is for the next life"
The way I see how things turned out, I can't comprehend what's God's great plan in life. The outline is fuzzy when you consider the world's poverty, power struggle in some of the developing countries. Shouldn' t those suffering most on earth have an early redemption into heaven? Why promote perfectly happy people from this world and leave behind their family and friends.
What's the criteria for promotion?
I guess I deal with things the same as always - I don't. I live for the moment, enjoying my life the way it is, the way I want it to be. If God gave man free will, then how was the mega plan structured? Did God do some fucky structured trades to ensure the number of people finally reaching the kingdom?
The week has been long. Hung's coming back on Wed... can't believe the idiot went back to Paris just to watch the France-Switzerland match.
Guess some things I just can't understand.
it's back to work after a two week long awaited break to ITALY!! woohoo! had a real holiday this time - enjoyed myself tremendously...
and i've been back for 2 weeks now and hung has since been to beijing and is now in switzerland. sigh- he's flying too much. oh well, shldn't complain abt the hand that feeds the guy that feeds me.
had dinner with luyi today. hadn't had so much fun in ages! grin-forgot how it felt like to be on a date - even a girly one. thanks babe, we'll do more soon. i'll train so i can eat faster ok!
some pics from my trip