New address
new address, time to start anew. some things i just wished i never started, others, even though i know i'm struggling through right now, will definately shap my character and make me a better person at the end of it.
i guess if we all knew how life turned out, there wldn't be any excitment in that will there? and, have you even wondered if you knew how you wld end up in the end, would u still make the same choices you would have without explicitly knowing the consequences?
there are some things that i do, even though i know the consequences aren't pretty. and there are others that i just want to test waters and others that i simply throw caution to the wind and want to tempt fate. oh well. i need the excitment huh.
what if we all had a crystal ball and could watch our life unfold before us like a movie, would we be inclined to lead our lives the same way? and wld we subconciously remind ourselves of the dire outcome everytime we made a decision? If i knew for example, that giving into temptation and eating that tub of ice cream wld make me wear size 30 jeans instead of 28... wld i still go for that 15 min of instant pleasure, only to be worn like a medal on my hips later on?
oh, the choices.
but then again, what's life without choice? given that i don't really have the freedom of speech, at least i am free to do what i want. i'm free to do what i want, but wld i do it? doing something if i choose to is different compared to doing something cos i'm compelled to. at least i'm under the illusion that i chose this road...
...even though the path was already laid out in front of me.

A better shot of us at Bar @ Robertson.
hung, me, sebastian, byui yinch

hung doing his own rendition of "call me" and "summer rain"... picture taken when there was a police raid, so the lights were on

dinner before partying @ dbl o...

outside the tent at cirque du soliel... it was better than expected! really good. and of course, we had fantastic seats! thanks bebe!
shoulder to cry on
it's been a long time since i cried in front of anyone. you took me in your arms and let me cry... u sat there silently with me, held me in ur arms and just waited for me to compose myself again.
yes, u wipped away my tears, but u were the one that made me cry. have u thought of that? isn't it ironic that only love could inflict pain that doesn't go away?
i'm starting to fall for u... and it scares me. as i lay there with u next to me, i had a flash back... i was brought back to a relationship i had eons ago... and suddenly, i was re-living that relationship. the feelings were so similiar. the i-should-know better feeling that i pushed to the back of my head. that nagging feeling that everything is not alright keeps haunting me.
what shld i do? shall i just not think so much and just see how it goes? or shld i stop it before i get hurt again? shld i even harp on that ray of hope? living an illusion that things might work out for real this time? fooling myself that he's serious and that he really loves me? that he's not just setting up a nomadic trail of broken hearts in every region that he has worked in, starting with the mrs and kids back in paris.
i can feel a heart break coming up... now just wat shall i do abt it?