Tuesday, June 15, 2004

damn i'm tired.

i'm in a freaking bad mood man. and i mean FREAKING. was in such a horrid mood that i left work early. walked around and then was going to take a bus back when i was "hell, i'll just take a cab".

came home, changed into my running gear and went for a run. decided to torture my body man. ran by the side of the road cos i didn't wanna run in dark rifle range road. so there i am, running, lungs bursting, legs breaking, pushing myself further adn further. ran up to ngee ann, crossed the bridge, and ran back. damn it man. when i was at kap, i gave up man. i died-ed. and i mean DIED-ed.

i've not ran in 6 weeks. that's a far cry from running everyday b4 working at deutsche. damn man... yawn. i'm aching already., i can feel it. but i feel good. it's the good kind of pain man. that's the way. push my bod and get a nice ass to prance around the office. apparently the guys look at all our asses. no shit!

i look around the office, and i really think that bryan is going after shiqi. and i think that shiqi is using that to her advantage. damn it, how come i don't have any office scandals?! shit... sigh... bryan is like doing so much for shiqi man. it's not fair dude. sigh... oh well, that's just cos i don't have a nice rack and a nice tight ass like thomos. hu? haha... right. but i guess my networking just has to do lor. sigh.

vishal is really cool. but the dude smokes too much though. and he drinks like a fish as well. sigh... and i think i've irritated ramesh too much as well man! haha... but it's ok, cos all of them think i'm underage!! haha... oh well... that's good i guess. considering i need to ask them alot of shit. and everytime i see ramesh, i give him this wide grin and he knows that that's trouble man! haha... but it's ok. enjoying myself.

just got paid today. a whole whoopi $2.6k+!!! haha... i have no idea how they came out with the figure man... but it's either too much, or too little man! yea. was trying to figure and dabble with it, but i can't seem to get that amount correct. haha... but oh well. if they want to pay me that amount next month as well, i have no objections man!! haha... whoopi!

money is always good man!!!

tania @ 11:12 PM | |