just finished my fifth week. woah. time passes so fast.
had an ice cream break with shawn today. he's really nice. hee. oh well... hum hum... but not christian lei. aiyoh. nmind. tom will get to see jerry. whoopi.
how's work? hum... it's fine i guess. rather confused abt my project though. wat's gd if a model is if it can't be used to make money?!! sigh... how? let me think abt it later.
super tired. going bar none later. with the office people. super happening eh?! wah.
tom got church. and got to send mummy to some changi chalet at 9am. damn it. 9am?! ridiculous?!!!!! oh well... nmind lar... fun also i guess. yea right... yawn.
feeling pertty lousy abt renyi, but i guess nmind lar... nan said it simply that "he's so stupid". wah. so nice.
i dunno lar, don't wanna think. don't really have coherent thoughts now. sigh... oh well...