Saturday, June 05, 2004

just came back from having dinner and drinks at paulana's. it was the farewell "party" for the indian interns. gosh... i can't beleive that just 10 weeks ago, they were like us, going through the exact same shit that i'm going through. wld i survive another 5 weeks of this?

indeed i'm learning alot. and i'm thankful for the opportunity... and i can't think of any other hting that i wld love to do this holiday. wat other better way than to get employed by the top investment bank in the world? this is amazing. i'm given a one in a million or rather 1 in 400 chance of doing this internship and yay... i'm stuck with brillantly brillant people man. aurelius is married and on the deans list. shiqi is freaking smart. i've got a german guy on my excel help desk, 2 MBAs from thailand and shawn from ntu.

all of them are really smart and i'm just bugging every single one of them everyday. i think i'm really getting lazier and lazier every single day! crap! oh no... i'm totally zoned out by 5pm man... i really need to think adn start doing shit properly... and not add to more shit.

weekends are so important nowadays. yawn. and anytime that i can be alone with my thoughts, it's fantastic man. i need it. just some alone time. just i-love-tania time. need to pamper myslef man. totally need to relac and chill in one corner.

damn it. i can't sleep late tomorrow. i've got a dentist appointment.

oh... luyi's coming back on mon!! woohoo! so excited. can't wait.

think nan's coming to church tom. yay. going to get DY to sit next to her to try to talk to her in thai. hee. just maybe help with the things that she doesn't understand. yaya. and hopefully she'll be able to go out for dinner with my family and i. really interesting. just get her to meet the family and stuff. shld be nice. i dunno how it's going to be, but i think it shld be aright.

i'm having so much fun with nan. honestly. she's such a cutie. damn it. i wanna keep her in my purse. tee hee.

tania @ 12:13 AM | |