ubs was alright i guess. pretty stunned though, cos they received over 400 applications, they called in 120 for the numerical test. so that's like the top 25%. out of this 120, they're calling in 30 for the interview, and only 15 for the assesment day itself.
what are my chances? 15/400 = about top 4% for the assesment and they prob will hire 5 the most? so that's like 1% chance.
the odds are against me.
talked to kc this morning b4 i went for the test. he said that come tues, he'll disappear from my life again. wtf. i told him to go do it, since that's the only thing he does, and he does it so well.
i wonder why i'm still accomodating to him. it's not as if i'm living under the same roof as him that i have to be civil. we very much lead 2 different parallel lives. it can go on to infinity and we will never see eye to eye.
but yet, why?! why tania why are u so dumb, why are u so stupid and why are u so hung up?!
i know that nothing good ever comes from my meetings with kc. but yet, i still go. it's like playing with fire and begging to be burnt.
"u know something? u're the most irritating guy i've ever met. and a part of me wishes that i never met u, or can erase u from my life entirely. but i can't."
this is a really really long chapter in my life, and this time is a defining moment.
"i'm avoiding u cos it hurts too much when i think of u."
why can't i do that? why can't i just avoid the fire and not get burnt...again?