Friday, September 30, 2005


isn't it tiring?

to sometimes care more than you should
to think too much
to let your imagination run wild
to let your nose run
heck, just to run.

i'm at home on a friday night for a number of reasons, one, zouk is closed (everybody now, BOOHOO) and two, hung's still in paris, and three, i thought i'll finish late at work so i didn't make any dinner plans with my friends.

i'm a slave to my work. i can't plan my days, and my ending hours are honestly unpredictable... some days are good, and some are just plain crappy. i got screamed at by my london analyst today, and even though i didn't really care (it wasn't my fault anyway, it was a system issue), it felt weird when he called back to apologise.

oh well.

i was on the bus this moring and there was this father-daughter couple that was on the way to school... she was about pre-primary age, and she was just so annoying! she kept on te-ing her dad, and my gosh, that little twep can whine. it honestly reminded me of a old friend i have who never seemed to grow up, still talking like a 5 year old in the high pitched, super whinny tone.

try listening to that for 45min, on the bus, stuck in a bumper to bumper traffic jam along farrer road. tell me whether u don't want to go up to her and slap her.

but then i reflected, and hey, i do that too sometimes! they don't call me princess for nothing. esp now with Mr H, i find myself behaving like a kid when i talk to him on the phone or want something from him. maybe i shld slap myself. (that is physically possible, unlike kicking myself)

damn it lar. i'm just irritated.

anyway, i'll be changing the address of my blog soon... realised that some people that are not supposed to read my blog are reading it. damn... so do drop me a line and i'll pass u the new address!

it's the weekend!

tania @ 10:11 PM | |