Friday, April 15, 2005

my last week

today was my last day in my uni life. that's assuming i don't do my honours cos either
1. csfb offers me a job after my internship
2. someone offers me a job
3. i meet a rich man and get married. (just need to learn how to play majong)
4. my lasik goes wrong and i become blind CHOY!

anyway, i basically spent my day in school, attending lectures and walking around alone. can u believe that i attended 6hr of class today?!! unbelievable man. ok, this is coming from someone who has 2 day school ok. self declared.... but still!

as i walked around campus today, from BREE to engine to bizad to ARTS (i had classes in these places, i'm not that nostalgic) it occured to me that i kinda wasted my uni life.

what's there that i can be proud of? i look back, and i only leave nus with a paper in my hand that certifies that i have a BA in econs, and a handful of friends that i know i will keep in touch with.

sure, i've made many friends. i know people in school, but it's not the same as having a really tight clique to go around with, to claim territory, and to just live in our own bubble world.

and i'm not even graduating with honours! wtf. this is coming from a 7 pointer mgs, njc-ian?!! i obviously mugged too hard earlier on and used up my quota right. urgh. i mean... obviously i'm not dumb, so it irks me to think that i'm not maximising my full potential. hey, i'm capable, but i'm lazy.

so that's my excuse, and i live by that. how loser can that be? i'm just finding excuses why i'm not doing my best... sigh. but it's too late to pull up my cap. after my disasterous 2 Cs and a B last sem... pulled down my cap way too far. oh well.

oh a lighter note, the scheldue for my commencement is out. and i just found out that everyone gets to graduate together!! yay!! it's apparently according to majors, so basically most of the hell gang are econs major, so yay!! it's nice to know that i'll be graduating with all my friends, or people that i shared my uni life with.

in a sense, it's truely commencement. it's a start of something new, something exciting, something unexpected. rather than using the term graduation, which implies the end, finito and that's that.

perhaphs commencement carries with it some glimsp of hope.


tania @ 12:45 AM | |