Friday, November 12, 2004

have u ever seen old couples walking along in the park, or by the river? and they are holding hands, some talking, some just walking along side each other enjoying each other's company?

i get this warm feeling inside when i see couples like that.

not some teenage raging hormones ah lian and beng ruffling leaves in the park.

i mean, i look at these old couples... and i think that they're so in love... think abt it.

this love goes beyond physical beauty. look, gravity does work ok.

this love goes must deeper. it's like their souls connecting, like they're each other's best friend.

sigh... and i look at myself...

will i ever find a guy like that? someone that i know is going to be the father of my kids, my life parnter?!

my parents are happily married. i think.

it's really sweet when i see they snuggling together or holding hands when we go out.


things will be alright, non?!

tania @ 11:59 PM | |