money and banking's over.
i'm not sure whether to be happy that none of the tough questions came out or sad cos i spent most of my time preparing for the hard questions... haha... oh well...
but it's ok. i'm just glad that it's over. no more IS-LM, no more RD-RF, goodbye MS-MD! woohoo! yea right... i thought that that was the end of things when i finished macro 2. damn it. it all comes back to haunt me.
on a lighter note, it's only down to one more paper, public finance!! woohoo! not that i've started studying for any part what-so-ever of it, but i need the 5 day break. yes. i need it.
my brain is so saturated that i can't think straight. i'm so tired from not sleep last night but cos i took coffee this morning... i'm dying now. yes. D-Y-I-N-zzzzzzZZZZ. u get my pt.
anyway, even though i have like 5 days to prepare, i still have to prepare for my interview which is on... drum roll.... tueday 1130am.
yes, the long awaited day has arrived. after months and months of waiting, this day has arrived. the day that will determine my future, whether DB will indeed take me... i mean if they don't... then i'll just go up london earlier!! haha....
everything has a gd side eh.
so yes, tuesday determines my future, thursday determines my freedom...
i just wanna sleep... now....