Friday, July 30, 2004

la la la

i've been telling myself that i'll lose weight... or that i'll exercise... OR (get this, this is gooooddd) that i'll be good...

...but it never seems to happen does it?!

damn resolution, damn weak determination.

i wonder whether i'll be happier in a bean bag (read: fat monica from f.r.i.e.n.d.s)... just plushed and not moving.

went for a swim today. this was after coming to the conclusion that the more i sleep, the lazier i get. so yes, this starts my i-wanna-diet-and-exercise routine.

pple that know me long enuff will know that this starts the kang kong, kai lan, chyee sim and soup diet.

pple that know me longer will know that this doesn't last.

i've seen fat friends go thin, and me on the other hand, have replaced their title as fatty boom boom. nice...

i'm been hiding my fats under black clothes/baggy clothes/nike and adidas clothes. sigh. i hate being FAT. damn it.

i shall try to be good.

i shall try to be good in more ways than one.

tania @ 10:49 PM | |