today was alright... though i'm still emitted green wasabi-like phlegm. everyone say "ewwweee"
yes yes, i am still sick. and it's the weird kind. i feel so cloghed up in my head, like there's so much pressure and i'm like going to explode or something... and i don't know whether it's the weather or something, but it's really really FREAKINGLY hot man. grr...
anyway, ate super good food today. had lunch at pushi tei with my dear luyi... she's going back tom!! sob sob... didn't even get to go phuture with her last night. but at least i made it for lunch k... unlike some ungrateful frog.
we tried on some tags at this watch place at taka. and there's this tag that is really nice!!! haha... not that i'm bored with mine, but hey, this was a really nice one. and i think the price is pretty alright. it's er... 1,800 i think. not that bad wat. the one i got was 1,100 i think... and this one had dimonds too!! haa... but i think if i get this other tag, mummy might scream though! =(
ok, went to have coffee with leanne at paragon. initially wanted to go baker's inn, but there was such a long queue there!! oh well... the cuppacino there is really good, but oh well, we ended up at coffee club instead. not too bad a trade off.
had a fun time bitchin'. as usual. haha... well, i mean, the only thing gd abt mr teng is that he gives me something to bitch abt right... i mean... he's there for entertainment value only!! haha...
oh well...
oh. didn't managed to go to the gym today. my butt ached too much for me to go. but will go tom. mental note.