how about that?
i met with niraj today... i had memories of him terrorising me and aure abt pul and call options, but guess wat? he's actually very nice.
met him at starbucks capital tower... just sent him my CV and we just sat around talking abt what my future career options were. he was nice enough to meet me.
and wat was i doing at for the 2 hrs to prepare? well, frantically finding the spot rates of usd/sgd, usd/yen, euro/usd, gbp/usd... sigh... it was just a sit down and sell myself session...
so what now? my options are now broader... he has offered to speak to HR and see whether i can get away with a year or 2 year long internship at jp. that way, i will get the experience, and see how things go from there.
it was nice lar, wasn't that intimidating. but i guess i need to relax more, i think i was too tense. but it's my life!! oh no... in 4 months, 120 days time, i'll just another statistic for the unemployed population in singapore. sigh.
so let's see how things go... i really hope that something can swing by my way...