Sunday, August 15, 2004

sometimes i come across as arrogant.

am i wearing shoes too big for myself?


i was complaining abt my level 3000 m&o high growth entrepreneaur course in the car today on the way to the club... and my parents shot me down for not knowing where i stood in society.

"when you make it big, then u can talk and everyone will listen."

aren't i already big enough?! heaven forbid if i shld grow any bigger.

still. how can anyone take this lying down? the spastic moronic leacture thinks the world of himself. how can u teach entrepreneurship when u are a meeky mouse that is so inflexible? wait, how can u teach entrepreneurship, period?

fine. u can learn skills, but characteristics and traits are invarent. these are in born and inante abilities.

still... the idea of not having an exam and being graded on a project. so i've got to set up a real shop and sell real stuff or real services. and the stall has to be within all his given parameters, and meet all his requirements.

now. isn't the spirit of entrepreneurship being creative and thinking out of the box?

how am i supposed to be creative when u set such strict and rigid parameters for me? i can't bend those given rules, for fear of being marked down, (and trust me, i've been blacklisted already), so i can't and i repeat can't get out of the box.

u want me to be an entrepreneur? want me to think of the box?

wat box? why does there have to be a box. i say, the possibilites are endless. the sky's the limit!

and so wat alternative does the lecturer give? "if you don't feel comfortable with it, drop my course"

how creative.

tania @ 11:18 PM | |